Alexandria Technical and Community College

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Alexandria Technical and Community College Associate’s Degrees

Alexandria Technical and Community College appears in our ranking of the 20 Best Colleges for an Online Associates Degree.

Alexandria Technical and Community College offers students the choice of Associate of Science or Associate of Arts degrees in a variety of areas with many degrees obtainable through online study. One of the most popular options at the college is the program in law enforcement, and students may pursue a traditional AAS degree or an AS transfer degree in this area, as well as programs in other formats. The college even offers career transition degrees.

There are dozens of degrees and programs available online at Alexandria Technical and Community College in areas as varied as accounting and business to law enforcement and paralegal studies. Not only can students earn Associate of Science and Associate of Arts degrees, but they can also enroll in transfer degree programs and career transition programs. Associate of Arts degrees include those in sociology, psychology, liberal arts & sciences, history, and economics.

For Associate of Science degrees, the college offers programs in accounting, business, computer information systems, and law enforcement. Some programs are offered in multiple formats, so students can choose enrollment in a diploma program or in an associate’s degree program. For example, the human services practitioner program is offered as a Human Services Practitioner AAS Degree or a Human Services Practitioner Diploma.

Similarly, the law enforcement program is offered in several formats. Available options include an AAS in Law Enforcement, an AS in Law Enforcement, which is a transfer pathway degree, and a Law Enforcement Career Transition Diploma. Students can also pursue a Law Enforcement Skills Certificate at Alexandria Technical and Community College.

Each of the programs in law enforcement requires a different number of credits, as well as some classes that are unique from the other programs. For example, the law enforcement AAS degree requires that students complete a total of 72 program credits in classes like Intro to Criminal Justice, Abnormal Psychology, and Firearms/Officer Survival Tactics. For the law enforcement transfer pathway AS degree, students will complete 68 credits in subjects like public speaking, Minnesota statutes, and juvenile justice.

Additional programs offered online at Alexandria Technical and Community College include those in business management, carpentry, communication art & design, and cybersecurity, virtualization, & networking. Students can also enroll in programs for diesel mechanics, early childhood education, exercise science, fashion management, interior design, and machine tool technology.

About Alexandria Technical and Community College

Alexandria Technical and Community College was established in 1961 and is a public community college in Alexandria, Minnesota. There are around 4,000 students enrolled for classes at the college, with around half of those students attending as half-time enrollees and the other half enrolled as full-time students. Students who attend the college enjoy one of the highest graduation rates of any of the community colleges in Minnesota, as well as ample opportunities to transfer to four-year universities.

The college is affiliated with the Minnesota State system, and many of its students transfer into four-year colleges in the state system, as well as the university system. The college operates with a set of nine values that include those of relationships, excellence, leadership, innovation, and diversity. The school places a focus on offering career preparation degrees.

Alexandria Technical and Community College Accreditation Details

Alexandria Technical and Community College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, which is the regional accreditation agency for colleges in Minnesota and neighboring states. The college began its affiliation with the HLC in 1974 and became officially accredited in 1980. The college has maintained its accreditation since that time and has also started participating in the Open Pathways reaffirmation process.

The Council for Higher Education Accreditation, which is recognized by the United States Department of Education has recognized the Alexandria Technical and Community College as having been successfully accredited by the HLC. Further, on a programmatic level, the Associate Degree of Nursing offered by ATCC is accredited by the National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation.

Alexandria Technical and Community College Application Requirements

The Alexandria Technical and Community College procedure for enrollment starts with the submission of an application and continues with a $20 non-refundable application fee, and official high school transcripts. Students may apply if they have earned a GED and must submit official documentation. Students must also provide official transcripts from all colleges previously attended. Applicants are considered transfer students if they’ve earned at least 12 credits from college-level classes.

The college also offers class enrollment opportunities for visiting students who are attending other colleges or universities within the Minnesota State system. Additionally, students outside of the state’s college system may enroll for classes but must make a special online account with the college to enroll. Students can earn unofficial transcripts from the classes they take as visiting students.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Tuition for students taking classes on campus at Alexandria Technical and Community College is $165.42 per credit, and students will also pay fees of $20.09 per credit. Students who enroll in online classes will pay $199.00 per credit and will also pay fees of $10.35 per credit. The college doesn’t charge different rates for in-state and out-of-state students, but there are some variable fees associated with certain programs.

For example, students will pay a course fee of $69.00 when they enroll in the cybersecurity, virtualization, & networking program. Books are estimated at $590.00 for the first year of study. Meanwhile, students who enroll in the carpentry program will pay a course fee of $192.00 and a program fee of $1,800.00, as well as an estimated $1,050.00 for books. Costs for various programs will often change in the second year versus what was paid during the first year.

Students can qualify for federal student aid when they attend Alexandria Technical and Community College since the school is regionally accredited. Students will need to apply for financial aid, as well as submit additional applications for possible scholarships. Aid offered may include loans, grants, and work-study awards, as well as scholarships.

Students may qualify for grants like the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, as well as a Post-Secondary Child Care Grant from the State of Minnesota for students who have children who require child care. Future students can also apply online to qualify for some of the $300,000 in scholarships that are available to students each year from Alexandria Technical and Community College.