Iowa Central Community College

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Online Associate’s Degree Programs Available at Iowa Central Community College

Iowa Central Community College appears in our ranking of the Top 10 Affordable Associate’s in Health Services Administration Online.

Iowa Central Community College offers online associate’s degree programs that allow students to study multiple subjects or one specific topic. One of those programs is a general education major that awards graduates an Associate of Arts degree. Students can use the classes they complete over two years at the college to transfer to a larger university later. This program starts every four weeks and accepts new students prior to each start date. It includes classes such as Introduction to Philosophy, Psychology of Human Relations, Composition I and II, Principles of Microeconomics and Math for Liberal Arts.

The five other associate’s programs available online include majors in fields like computer networking technology and business. Both of these programs start every eight weeks and include classes that last for eight weeks also. Computer networking majors gain the skills needed to work as IT specialists and in similar fields. Those majors will take Overview of Cybercrime, Visual Basic, Advanced Visual Basic, Windows Server, and Linux System Administration. The program can also help students learn the basics of using CISCO products through classes that include CISCO Routers, CISCO Switches, and CISCO Wan.

In the college’s business program, students learn how to run a small business that they open and how to work for business owners. Most of their courses teach business principles and practices, including Principles of Management, Principles of Marketing, Introduction to Business Logistics and Principles of Purchasing and Logistics. The college’s health care administration program is similar but includes courses on the operations of health care facilities. Those classes include Overview of Health Care, Health Care and Economics, Technology of Health Care and Introduction to Gerontology.

The college also offers online associate’s degree programs in criminal justice and human services. Both these programs and the health care administration major include four-week classes. Students can enroll before the next group of classes start. All online students will take The Online Experience, which is a class that goes over what the college expects of them. They also have the chance to do internships for college credit.

About Iowa Central Community College

Iowa Central Community College is a community college known for the opportunities it offers on several campuses in Iowa. Prior to becoming a large college system, it operated as three separate institutions. One community college opened in Fort Dodge in 1921, and two others opened in Webster City and Eagle Grove by the end of that decade. The state later passed the Area School Act, which called for local county schools to merge and become community colleges. Iowa Central Community College now consists of the main campus in Dodge City and smaller campuses in Storm Lake and Webster City.

Also called both Iowa Central and ICCC, the college worked with Buena Vista College to create a new co-op program. This allows students to spend two years at ICCC and an additional two years at Buena Vista College to finish their bachelor’s degrees. The college also offers more than 30 Associate of Applied Science degree programs and more than 50 Associate of Arts programs. Students can choose from majors that include culinary arts, construction, social work, and journalism. Across its multiple campuses, Iowa Central has an enrollment of more than 5,000 students.

Iowa Central Community College Accreditation Details

ICCC has full regional accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), which covers all the traditional degree programs it offers and all the programs available through the college’s online campus. It received accreditation from the HLC in 1974 and will see that accreditation come up for renewal in 2020. To ensure that it receives this renewal, the college created a board who is responsible for maintaining those standards. This accreditation lets any student who has financial need use the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to get help and allows students to transfer credits too.

Iowa Central Community College Application Requirements

Any student who has questions about the ICCC application process can contact an admissions coordinator or representative. Those professionals respond to the questions that students have through email and over the phone. They can also help students complete the FAFSA. Students need to apply online and submit the college’s application, which does not have an associated fee. They will also need to sign and submit a student agreement form. This shows that the student will follow the college’s policies. ICCC also asks that students in some programs sign and submit additional forms. They can then submit the FAFSA and provide the college with their transcripts. ICCC only requires transcripts of those who need to transfer their credits.

One of the more important steps that students need to meet is the taking of a placement test. The college uses this test to see the skills that students have in certain fields, including English and math. Their scores may allow them to skip some courses. The college also accepts a standardized test score from students who do not want to take the placement exam. ICCC also requires that students go online to complete their orientations and that they register for classes.

Tuition and Financial Aid

ICCC allows students to save money when taking online classes because it provides them with free digital copies of the textbooks that they need. Students can opt not to use those textbooks and to purchase physical copies, though they’ll need to pay for those books on their own. The basic cost of attendance at the college is $240 per credit hour for all Iowa residents and $322.50 per credit hour for nonresidents. Students can use the college’s tuition calculator to check out their costs based on how many credits they want to take each semester.

Students who meet certain requirements, including having a high school diploma or its equivalent and being an American citizen or legal resident can get financial aid with the FAFSA. They can qualify for a Pell grant and a supplemental grant from the federal government and both a Kibbie and a technical grant from the state government. Federal direct and PLUS loans go to students who complete loan counseling and sign an online promissory note. All students enrolled in the associate’s degree programs offered online at Iowa Central Community College can renew their financial aid packages every year.

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